
Creating a unique experience within your shopper community

Engaging people for engaging brands

Take your brand as close to consumers as possible. From seasonal stands to fixed units with long-term contracts, retail pop-ups can be one of the best ways to drive sales, awareness and knowledge through direct engagement.

Our expertise

Get a custom pop-up solution without stretching your resources. We’ll facilitate design and construction via our expert partners and run the store as your reseller. We’ll take care of recruiting staff, managing stock and installing POSM and till systems so that the burden isn’t on you.

Related services

Field Marketing
Field sales

Know that your products are in the best hands with our expert field sales team. We’ll be your brand specialists, ready to engage your customers directly and increase sales.

Field Marketing
Experiential marketing

Create a buzz around your marketing initiative by making it part of an event. We can support you from the planning and setup to on-the-ground implementation.

Field Marketing
Brand Ambassadors

BAs are our gurus when it comes to driving and protecting your key arenas. Delivering direct consumer engagement to bring education and prospecting for your brand and resellers.

Warehousing and distribution

Delivering display, product or POSM directly to staff or stores ready for rollout.

Field Sales
Data analysis and reporting

By using our expert data and reporting team, we can provide custom live reporting to help you highlight successes and opportunities across your activities.

Field Marketing

Give your resellers the tools they need to continue driving sales even when we’re not in store. Our experts also offer training to help staff build brand knowledge that supports long-term results, driving brand advocacy.

How we’re helping our clients win with retail pop-ups

Get in touch

Looking to bring your products closer to your customers and drive engagement with a retail pop-up?